M & S Metals is interested in purchasing any ferrous and non ferrous based metals not required by your company. This interest ranges from the more common metals such as copper and aluminium to the more specialist end of the spectrum with metals such as tantalum and titanium. Although offering competitive prices is important to M & S Metals. the ability to offer a reliable and effective service is also paramount to our company's operations.

Scrap Metal Metal Recycling, Total Waste Management
Collection Service
On completion of a price agreement M & S Metals would supply your works with stillages/skips in order to help organise and store your scrap metal. At your request M & S Metals would promptly exchange said containers using one of our modern vehicles. On arrival at our processing facility the metal would be graded and weighed using one of our regulated scales/weighbridges and weight tickets provided.
M & S Metals offers a full range of stillages/skips to help organise and store your metal. Below are some of the more common solutions:
M & S Metals has a modern fleet of vehicles including skip loaders, hook loaders and curtain siders:
Audit Trail
As a business you have a responsibility to ensure that any waste you produce is handled safely and within the law. This is your 'Duty of Care'. You must also ensure that the organisations you employ to handle your waste are legitimate/licensed in order to ensure your waste is disposed of in a legal fashion. M & S Metals holds all relevant council and environmental accreditation to transport, handle and store waste as well as being ISO 14001. Each customer will receive a Waste Transfer Note to ensure a legal paper trail is in place and assure both companies work within the environmental guidelines.